5 Tips to Writing a Lab Report for Good Grades

Writing a Lab Report

All laboratory courses require students to write lab reports. Whether you have taken physics, chemistry, or biology major, there is a high chance that your teacher will assign you to multiple lab reports in each semester. This is how they gauge how much you’ve learned from practical experiments and what your standing is in terms of practical work.

The instructions for each experiment vary, therefore it is important that students are attentive during their lab experiments. By following the right set of guidelines, students can create a good lab report that contains all the relevant information. You must also follow the pattern determined by your instructor to obtain good grades.

Understand each step of the experiment during the practical demonstration, so you will be able to write a well-structured lab report. Also, make sure that you are following the right format.

How to Score Well on your Lab Report:

In order to write a good report, you must mention all the details about equipment, steps, and results. If you are confused and wondering who will “write my essay for me?”, do not worry because there are multiple online services that will be able to help you.

Follow these tricks to write a lab report good enough to compel your instructors to give you a good score.

1.   Write a Captivating Introduction:

Your introduction is the part of the report that highlights the objective of the entire experiment. It is also the first thing that a reader reads after the title. If your introduction is not compelling enough, there is a high chance that the reader will lose interest.

Therefore, this part should be written so well that it grabs the attention of the reader right away. You can start by mentioning an interesting fact or stats related to the topic. Make sure to keep it clear and intriguing.

Add a hint about the result to keep the audience hooked and ready to go till the end. Set the context of the entire text and identify the overall goal of the experiment in your introduction. This should include any theories, formulae, or laws that formed the motivation of the experiment.

2.   Build a Logical Flow:

There should be a logical flow in the introduction of your lab report. Opt for a funnel structure, that involves writing about the broader topic first and then moving on to the subtleties. For example, if you are doing an experiment on a particular type of salt, write about its physical and chemical properties before explaining what you are planning to find out about it.

Next, you should explain the theoretical framework, and highlight the reasons for conducting the experiment. Give some insights into the background and the purpose of the research. It is also important to connect previously done studies and compare their results with the conclusive statement of your own experiment. This allows the readers to see the topic in multiple aspects.

3.   Add Literature Review:

Literature review defines all the existing information about a particular topic. It allows the readers to extract all the previous developments, highlighting the importance of the topic. A literature review is basically an overview in which all the scholarly articles and journals relating to the experiment are discussed. They will offer context to the research and add support to the overall idea.

4.   Generate a Hypothesis:

While generating a hypothesis is not mandatory, it is a good practice to add this part to your resort. This is a tentative statement that predicts the result of an experiment. A good hypothesis is testable and specific. It should be defined in clear and understandable words to allow the reader to relate to the suggested outcome.

All the variables obtained during the experiment shall be taken into account while crafting a hypothesis. After the experiment, you can mention in the discussion section if your suggested hypothesis was met the actual result or not.

5.   Do Not Make Mistakes in Tenses:

While writing the introduction of the lab report, students tend to make mistakes in the tenses. You do not have to write in present tense when you are writing about an experiment that has been conducted already. This means that you should make use of the past tense in the introduction. However, when writing the results, conclusion, and discussion, present tense is more appropriate as it is still a work in process.

To sum it up, writing a lab report can be easy as long as you follow the above-mentioned guidelines. You can also get help from a reliable lab report writing service such as Write My Essay 4 Me.